A carbon footprint is a tool for measuring the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a business, building, organization or activity. The carbon footprint is based on the inventory of GHG emissions associated with the various energy sources used and the activities carried out by the organization, as well as on the analysis of opportunities to reduce these emissions. The carbon footprint can include direct emissions, such as those from the consumption of fossil fuels in the organization’s buildings and facilities, as well as indirect emissions, such as those associated with the use of electricity or the purchase of goods and services.
The carbon footprint is usually presented in the form of a report, which includes an estimate of the organization’s GHG emissions, an analysis of their sources and an assessment of reduction opportunities. It may also include recommendations for the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions, as well as reduction targets to be achieved in the short and long term. The carbon footprint can be used to assess an organization’s progress in reducing its GHG emissions and making it more environmentally sustainable.